Thursday, February 10, 2011


Dream job - tour guide                                                 check
One way ticket to London booked                              check
Around 150 hours of European history study             check (thank GOD!!)
Farewell party planned                                                check
Resigned from "proper/responsible" job                      check
Suitcase packed                                                           ummmm not yet........

Ilona, Kristy and I say farewell in style with champagne high tea at Gleneg beach
On Saturday 5th March I leave the big country town of Adelaide for up to two years of flitting (and flirting) around Europe, accents, gorgeous Spanish beaches, snow in the alps, maybe learning to ski (?!), definitely trying all the local specialties.........gelati, tapas, champagne, Amsterdam cafes, limoncello, marzipan, mussels/muscles in Brussels, fries with mayonnaise, Swiss hot chocolate..........

My KPMG girls! They know how to party :-)
I still need to work out how to condense my extensive wardrobe, cosmetics and shoe collection into 30kg of checked luggage.......but other than that, all I need to do is enjoy the next 3 weeks of farewell dinners, drinks and catch ups (my best friends know that I would never have less than 5 of each - any excuse!)

I am SO excited, getting sad about leaving all my people and my dog, scared that i won't remember any of my city/country notes or that I won't be entertaining - but generally can't wait!