Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I am officially a tour guide!

Best day in Venice ever
I am back in the land of the living......................i dont even know where to start........... the last 6 weeks have been some of the best and worst of my life!!!

The lack of sleep, overwhelming amount of info to learn, having every minute of your day planned and monitored, getting no privacy or space, never having enough time - having to choose beween peeing or eating...........

View over Salzburg
But then some really amazing things such as sitting at a mountain top castle in Salzburg with a view over the whole city and the Alps, a gorgeous sunny day wandering around in Venice (eating 5 serves of gelati - we were having a bit of a competition - i didn't win!), playing in the snow at Jungfraujoch Top of Europe in the Swiss Alps, riding a bike through a park in Barcelona with a guy playing spanish guitar, an amazing red sunrise over the Cote d'Azur ocean whilst driving past the stunning Monaco, sitting on the steps of the Sacre Couer with a view of all of Paris studying and watching the world go by all afternoon.............................

Family portrait
Come here little gypsy....
Then yesterday we were set free, I have checked into my OWN ROOM in paris, washed my whole suitcase of clothes, spoke to my mum for the first time in 6 weeks and met 3 of my fabulous new friends for a SENSATIONAL dinner in Paris.......just a stroll down the street from my hotel.......this is what I signed up for, NOW the fun can begin!!
Finished training and on top of the world (well, Europe)

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