Saturday, October 15, 2011

B is for Barcelona

View from Gaudi's Parc Guell
Gaudi's Parc Guell
Gaudi's Parc Guell
2 days off in Spain, where it is still sunny and 28 degrees whilst snow has started in northern Europe? Sure!

Gaudi's Parc Guell
1st day I’m up early for Spain time (where you stay up all night, get up about 10am and then siesta in the afternoon) and head up to Gaudi’s Parc Guell. Not sure what to expect, I am super impressed – an amazing view over the whole city down to the sparkling water, taking in the Sagrada Familia and Mont Juic. The park itself is beautiful, look outs, palm trees, playgrounds, cafes, benches and random quirky buildings and mosaics – many designed by Mr Gaudi himself. People are everywhere socialising, enjoying the sun and exploring. Next time I am taking a picnic and a few more hours!

Then an afternoon at the beach……… beautiful. There is nothing quite like laying on the sand, feeling the sun on my skin and listening to the waves crash in, it makes me feel so happy and peaceful. Every 10 seconds a different person walks past saying “cerveza, beer, cold beer, cola, fanta” or “mojito, fresh mojito, very good mojito” or “massage, massaje” – even “you smoke weed, hashish”………something for everyone

Meet some passengers for a tapas and flamenco evening. Flamenco is AMAZING. The rhythms, feet stomping, movement, singing and dancing with so much passion…………then we feast on Iberian ham, cheese, olives, patatas bravas (chunks of lightly fried potato with a spicy tomato mayonnaise), grilled capsicums, mushrooms and calamari – all washed down with jugs of sangria - of course

Day 2 and back at the beach for another afternoon of bliss. Best gelati yet on the walk back to the metro – violet, coffee with sugared almonds and crema catalana – other flavours include mojito, rose & raspberry, apple crumble………..delicious
Barcelona Catedral

Barcelona Catedral – an impressive church with a special little garden in the middle – palm trees, a pond, fountain and even geese – a beautiful oasis where I am drawn to the chapel of Santa Anna after a dream I had the night before

View from Mont Juic

A quick trip up to Mont Juic to find that a whole afternoon is needed to explore the beautiful gardens, castle and views over the city – and the Magic Fountain with its apparently spectacular light show stops running at the end of September. So these are on the list for next time……………….

You continue to charm me Barcelona - I think I may be falling in love

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