Saturday, February 4, 2012


I never really thought I was lucky to always have a job. In fact, it was a bit of a pain - just a way to fund the lifestyle I want to live.

The last 4.5 weeks have taught me that in Australia, we are lucky to have such a good employment rate. Lucky to be able to choose which job we would like and to negotiate a salary that we are worth.

Here in the UK, I have really struggled to find a decent personal assistant job with a reasonable salary. The market is so competitive that employers will only consider you if you have worked as a personal assistant in their exact industry - so all my experience in senior roles with large companies means nothing - because I was employed in an accountancy firm, not an investment banking firm. I find that utterly ridiculous - and quite depressing.

I was lucky enough to find an ongoing role to start next week, so hopefully this is the last time I have to deal with the UK job market. I was put forward for the role at the rate I was told I should be earning, had my CV accepted at that rate, was told at both interviews with the company how high pressure and busy the role will be and then offered the role at £2ph lower. I have to "prove I'm worth" the extra £2 per hour. Even if I do it will still only be 2/3 of what I was earning in Australia.

I'm surprised at how worthless that kind of thing makes you feel on a personal level. I have realised how much having a good job and being respected for what I do means to me and I am now truly sympathetic to those that are unemployed and trying so hard to find a job. I'ts a horrible feeling.

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