Saturday, June 11, 2011

days on and days off

Prague Old Town Square
Days off in prague..........lovely Italian owners of the hostel bar plying us with free food and beer, big sleep in, massive thunder storm and lightning struck the hostel, pub crawl in the old town with 2 awesome passengers - vodka shots, beers, vodka redbull, jager shots, who knows what else........dancing like a crazy till 3.30am, finding the 5 level club but not being able to find our way up past the second level ha ha ha great night!

Another big sleep in and then back into the old town for the best goulash that i have found yet.........but as my Hungarian friend says, i havent yet been to Hungary

Had my first chucker on the bus on the way to Grunau............not impressed, i almost didnt let the 5 of them on as they were all obviously still wasted............luckily they took that hint at my "suggestion" to get off in Grunau instead of Salzburg that they were supposed to be heading to..........hopefully not the first of many........

Xavier in shock at the size of the free beer at Munich Wombats -
I mean this is the home of 1 litre steins!!
Days off in Munich were a nice change - i did NORMAL things, read my book, got a mani and a pedi yesterday and spent the whole day shopping today........not sure how my suitcase is going to do up now i have 2 more dresses and 2 more pairs of shoes (LOVE H&M!) i realised the other day that i have SEVEN pairs of shoes in my case. now NINE. maybe a bit ridiculous?!

Italy here i come!

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