Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Stupid questions people ask (and expect you to know the answer to....)

So how much will my bank in America charge me when I make ATM withdrawals? Gee I don't know, just let me phone them and find out

Can I take my umbrella on a plane? Might be an idea to ask an AIRLINE genius

Does this service stop have boiling water for my tea bags?

Is the overnight train to Portugal better than the other one? Well considering we offer a BUS service, I'm not going to know that much about trains am I.....

Isn't a photocopy of my passport enough for presentation at the border? Sure, the border guards are pretty relaxed

How much money do I need to withdraw for my next three days? Well that really depends, are you planning on taking me out for drinks while I think about it?!?!

Do these stairs go down? True story.

How do I get to my (non recommended, in the sticks, off the map) hostel? Heard of google maps buddy.....

Oh hi, I know its your day off but can you show me how to use a computer? Sure I can't think of anything I would rather do, after all, it is my job

What language do they speak in France? German. Obviously.

Is this bag yours? I'm not sure. What does it look like. Ummm it's red. Ok this is the only red bag so it must be yours? Ummm I don't know....

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