Monday, July 18, 2011

Granada - very hot but totally cool

The Alhambra
The Alhambra
40 degrees is an average day, the locals disappear between 3 and 9pm to escape the heat. it is the home of tapas and flamenco - walk into any bar, pay under 2 euros for a sangria or beer and receive an entree sized plate of deliciousness.......octopus salad, warm potato salad, bread with olives and ham, tuna and mayonaise stuffed inside red peppers. you can eat and drink all night for under 20 euros easily!!

its also a university town with fantastic bars and lots of boys from all over the world happy to dance the night away and buy you drinks!

The Alhambra
The Alhambra
The Alhambra - the most visited sight in spain and for a good reason. a massive moorish city from the 13th century. the lush, intricate gardens, beautiful architecture, magnificent mosaics and rich history make for an amazing half day tour - well worth the half hour uphill walk in the heat.

The Alhambra

The turkish hammam - 2 hours of heaven. sauna, hot pool, warm pool (im not ashamed to admit i did not leave this one!), cold pool and a 15 minute massage in a scented, candlelit chamber...........


Authentic flamenco in a gypsy cave - it felt like you were in someone's backyard watching the most amazing coordination and so much passion - the foot stomping goes right to the heart.

Sad to leave southern spain!

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