Thursday, August 4, 2011

Highlights and Lowlights

Xavier and I at the Red Garter

Days off in Florence were fabulous, epic night at the Red Garter – sang happy birthday to a passenger’s fiancé and then became Sandy from Grease

On the horse
My horse

Went horseriding in Tuscany and it was AMAZING – first stop a little castle town called Monteriggioni, time to stroll around, a delicious cappuccino(Italy is the king of coffee) and a surprise wine tasting – Chianti Classico is always welcome at 11am J Jumped all the way up on to my beautiful brown horse and rode through the Tuscan countryside (SO beautiful) and vineyards for a couple of hours and then a massive Italian feast of dishes such as fresh tomato, cucumber
and basil salad, lightly fried and salted vegetables, pasta al forno and panna cotta at a farm by a lake

Riding through the vineyards

Sunflower field in Tuscany
Finally got to see my favourite friend from training for the first time since we said goodbye on the 2nd of May and caught up on all the gossip J

Woke up a week ago with a killer sore throat which turned into a nasty cold, not fun -  I was losing my voice and talking was killing my throat and I had a fever too but had to keep going – its not really the type of job where you can call in sick – what are you going to tell the 51 people waiting for the coach?!

Managed to talk my way down from working 18 days straight to working only 12 (ONLY!!!)
I have 2 days off in my favourite city – Berlin - in a few days where I can finally get my 2 inches of roots coloured and my mullet cut

Staubach fall, Lauterbrunnen
On the 1st August it was Swiss National Day and I happened to be on the coach going into Lauterbrunnen that night, bbq at my managers house (instead of my scheduled debrief – yes!!) and at 10pm a big fireworks display in front of the waterfall with noise that echoed all around the valley– SPECTACULAR

Trying to decide where to take my parents for their 5 weeks in Europe in November…….there is so much to choose from! What to cut out?!
Coming in to Amsterdam today: so guys, the hostel is right next to Vondel Park - where its apparently legal to have sex if anyone is interested.............yep. never going on the mike again ha ha ha ha

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