Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Hamburg in a hostel

St Nikolai Kirche
Surprisingly the 14 hour bus trip from Krakow went rather quickly and we arrive at our hostel on Hamburg's famous Reeperbahn at around 7am. Luckily the (rather drunk) guy at reception lets us check in and after having to swap rooms (the first door wouldn't open which he was rather puzzled about) we get a quick nap before heading to the main square for a free walking tour.
Chile Haus

It was quite good - covered a lot of history of the harbour and shipping, architecture and the smaller churches including St Nikolai kirche, which was bombed in WW2 and has been left in its destroyed state as a monument.

Men's premier league handball

After the first (of many) Pfaffengluck (a herbed damper like bread with melted cheese, ham and sour cream on top) we head to the O2 Arena for the men's premier league handball. It's a great game, very fast and physical and after watching Maren play quite a few times I even sort of understand the rules.

The flying sleigh
Next day we stop past der Michel (which is closed for Sunday service) and take a quick look inside the Rathaus (town hall) and wander through the christmas markets - gluhwein, carols, wooden decorations and candles as far as the eye can see. There is even a mechanical sleigh and reindeer suspended above the market that "flys" from one end to the other twice a day - complete with a real life santa and angel inside!

Prost! Another gluhwein..........

Then to my favourite - the ice hockey! Unfortunately I have managed to get us tickets right next to the Berlin cheer squad (and they win) but is still an awesome game - super fast and hockey sticks flying and players getting slammed into the plexi glass and you get cup holders for your 1/2 litre of beer that a guy with a mini keg on his back comes to your seat and pours you a new one for only 4 euros. WIN!!

A look at the alternative St Pauli christmas markets and another room change at the hostel (this time the door wouldn't lock), then we brave the Pulverfass show - boys pretending to be girls pretending to be boys and some very nice male strippers too - something for everyone! A great show (would be even funnier if I understand all the words I'm sure) but a little bit ruined by the minimum 20euro spend and the fact they were charging 19,50 for a cocktail. OUCH!!

Rathaus Chistmas
Last day and we head to the harbour to take a look at Miniature World (my third time this year! but it is great, especially now the airport is up and running) and then catch the number 62 ferry that does a loop of the harbour included in your daily metro ticket which saves the 20euros the harbour trip boats charge!
Hamburg Christmas markets
Then it's time to say goodbye to Ola after 2 weeks together and a brilliant trip (I'm glad I just have to get the train to Maren's and not the overnight bus to Krakow)

NOW what?!

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