Tuesday, December 13, 2011

London - love or a fling?

Bloody Mary for Sunday breakfast

Generally i don't like London. I've even said I hate it but that's a bit harsh. I find it cold - both temperature and vibe, grey, overcrowded, expensive, too many Australians...........I'm overseas - I want to feel like I'm somewhere DIFFERENT, not just back in Australia but with worse weather.

But then it's charms start to snake their way in - it really feels like christmas here - the lights, store fronts, christmas markets - they all give the city a brightness that brings it alive. The cute little row houses and most people are extremely polite - manners matter here. Sunday roast and bloody marys. The fantastic array of extremely trashy and cheap gossip magazines and television. The fact that I can understand everything and say exactly what I want.

It might sound funny but after being in non-english speaking countries continuously for 8 months, it took me a good 24 hours to get used to everyone talking in english, all the signs being in english and that I didn't have to think of the correct words in german, french, spanish, italian, portugese, dutch or czech for "one cup of coffee please"!

My Christmas masterpiece
I had a great 6 days catching up with old and new friends, sampling some delicious restaurants (chinese banquet with karaoke during the meal as a big highlight), the best sunday roast ever and cute little shopping streets.

So, if I do have to come and work here for a few months before I hit the road again............will it be love or never again?


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