Wednesday, March 16, 2011

10 things I have learnt so far

1. When you ask for a beer in England, you get a pint unless you ask specifically for something smaller. WIN!

2. Mushy peas are the perfect side dish to accompany fish and chips (after consuming several of the above mentioned pints with the girls on a Saturday afternoon pub crawl in London) AND Stoke-on-Trent´s Wrights Pies (beef and mashed potato pie and onion gravy)mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

3.  Chicken curry is a perfectly acceptable breakfast food

4. According to Lufthansa, Manchester to Hamburg is a regional flight requiring a very small plane, which in turn required plane drugs AND beer for me to get on it (although it was not a propellor plane thank you god)

5. You can use Skype on your iphone

6. You need to unlock your iphone before leaving Australia, or you will lose all your music when you have borrow a friends computer to restore it in order to unlock it before you can use a UK sim card :-(

7. Czech beer is the world's best. I will need to maintain the validity of this comment by regularly sampling a wide range of beers from various parts of the world

8. In Germany you don´t need a fridge, you just keep your drinks on the balcony

9. Some people you can meet for just a few hours but talk to them like you have known them a lifetime

10.  What a chav looks like. ha ha ha ha

1 comment:

  1. Hi cousin! I have just read your blog to Grandma. She said: "Stay off the booze! Nice to know all that you are doing. You will find it pretty flat when you get home"

    I will read your updates to her when I visit. Miss ya! Take care. Luv Ange
