Friday, March 11, 2011

The adventure so far............

Started with a bit of drama at check in..........apparently the airline knew nothing about my 30kg luggage allowance..........but luckily smiling nicely and (pretending) being patient worked its charm and we had time for a champagne and to wait for KRISTOPHER who fell asleep and only JUST made it to say goodbye as the final call was being made!! Luckily i sat next to a nice indonesian girl who had to go home due to an expired student visa and no way of renewing it (will this be me in 2 years?!) who drank gin fizz's with me when the plane started to jump and down halfway over...........thank god for my plane drugs

My room at the Mandarin Oriental
I thought I had left the pears behind....
Magic 3 days in Kuala Lumpur - I treated myself to my favourite hotel in the world, the Mandarin Oriental and it was even better than I remember - gorgeous hotel but above all its the service, so nice to have 20 people say hello and smile everytime you walk past and to be called Miss Lynda :-)

Mmmm dead skin.......
I visited chinatown for some dvds, a fake gucci bag for my 500 pages of tour guide notes - who said backpacking cant be stylish - and to have my feet nibbled on by the little fish - SO ticklish at first but really fun and feet were so smooth after!
Nasi Goreng room service
Spent most of my time by the pool - its an infity pool on the third floor so you lay there on a sun lounge, being brought iced lemon water, moisturising spray (got sunburnt on my chest and one arm..........great look..........) and frozen grapes while gazing out at KLCC park and the buildings of KL.

Mandarin Oriental infinity pool with a 3rd floor view over Kuala Lumpur
There was a massive thunderstorm on the second afternoon, a good 45 minutes of thunder, lightning and rain - was cool! Then on my last day i managed to get a manicure, pedicure, facial and body scrub for around AU$70........probably the last of my luxury lifestyle for a while!

Unfortunatley flight to London was delayed and internet in airport was down so I had to entertain myself by drinking pints at the only bar i could find - then scored 2 seats for the flight so slept qutie nicely! Managed to get myself, 2 suitcases, handbag and 2 carry on bags on the undergruond and out through Kings Cross and in to a cab and arrived safely on Jess's doorstep at around 9am on Wednesday

We had a delicious lunch and bottle of red at Kettner's (very cool) and a few cocktails in the afternoon before meeting friends for vietnamese - i managed to stay awake till 10pm - epic effort for me!

Yesterday I caught about 100 trains while collecting my sim card, opening my bank account and finding my shade of OPI nailpolish so I can make my manicure last as long as possible.........all the important things!!

Then Jess and I may have accidentally drank a few too many beers at the Reebok sports bar in canary wharf (loving the fact that there is a bar at the gym), then the slug and lettuce and then mexican for dinner mmmmmmmm!

First proper night out in London tonight - bring it on!!

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