Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Julie and John’s Excellent Adventure – Part 9 – Hamburg - Home

Captains - Maren, Dad and I
Last train trip - a marathon 8.30am - 5pm with 3 different trains and almost without incident until I kindly offered to get a coffee each of us from the dining car. Upon my return mum managed to reach over me and spill her entire cup of hot coffee all over my legs..........soaked right through my jeans AND thermal leggings. Upon arrival in Hamburg, Maren and my theory of how similar our mothers are was proven when Ruth managed to spill her entire glass of prosecco over Maren's dad when we were all saying cheers ha ha ha

Der Michel

We were treated like visiting royalty - buffet breakfast, home cooked local specialty dinners and chauffered all over Hamburg. Saturday we went to the historic Rickmer Rickmers ship in Hamburg harbour, then for a cruise around the harbour past all the massive container ships. Then to the Michel chuch and the Town Hall Christmas Markets to sample several differnt Gluhweins - i am becoming quite an expert. Then we took mum and down for a walk down the Reeperbahn - the biggest red light district in Europe. Helmut even convinced dad to wander down the screened off street for men only for a spot of "window shopping"!

We love Gluhwein! Maren, Helmut, Mum, Dad and Ruth

For you - only 10 euros!
Dad says there is nothing like
a fish burger for breakfast
Up early the next day to visit the famous Hamburg Fish Market (it starts at 4am and is finished by 10am every Sunday) - absolutely crazy - the fish sellers hawk there merchandise with much theatre and humour - drawing quite an audience to watch what they will throw in to the deal next. Everything is "10 euros" - parcels of fresh fish, baskets of fruits and vegetables. There is a big hall with a rock band or pop music playing, beer flowing and people dancing away - its quite common to head over from a night out on the nearby Reeperbahn to meet people, have a few more drinks and grab some food before heading home, never thought I would eat fish for breakfast but it was fabulous! We sneak in a nap and then try some of the purchases for lunch - Eel? It's actually very tasty. Then watch Maren play handball (disappointed in the lack of fights yet again) and then laugh the night away playing cards - laughter is a universal language :-)

Miniature World airport
Monday we head to Miniature World - I was super excited to see the newly finished airport section, complete with planes that actually take off and land! We had a big event to celebrate that night, Maren and Thorsten had signed the papers to purchase their first house and it was Julie and John's last night of their European Adventure. What better way to celebrate than an all you can eat Mongolian buffet complete with cooked to order wok dishes, roast duck, sushi and black sesame ice cream!

Tuesday morning we made it to the train station after another huge breakfast spread and a few tears.

Mum and Dad, it was brilliant to have you here and a privilege to show you all the things I love about Europe. I hope you had a fantastic holiday

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