Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Julie and John’s Excellent Adventure – Part 1 - Schweiz

A 5 hour train trip from Lauterbrunnen to Frankfurt, an overnight stay and a 5.45am train to Frankfurt airport. 7.45am and I am still sitting at the arrival gates……..QF5 landed on time, it was “dispensing” and now it has disappeared off the arrivals board……..oh here they are, the last through the gates after being interrogated by an overzealous immigration officer

Turns out they were lucky to make it over at all – a migraine on the flight to Singapore and possible kidney stones on the flight to Frankfurt nearly stopped the adventure before it even started 
We manage to board the train back to Lauterbrunnen without incident, only a slight hiccup when jetlagged Julie gets a bit lost on the way back from the train toilet, luckily I am onto it and rescue occurs just before we need to change trains. Mum has a slight problem with the “quiet carriage” that we have reserved – it seems it is torture for her to go without speaking for more than a couple of minutes and when she is told to “shhhhhhh” she manages to make even more noise rummaging through her bags and dropping things between the seats
Dad, me and Mum at the top of Schiltorn
We arrive safely to Camping Jungfrau and head to the restaurant for dinner, introduced mum and dad to rosti which was delicious as usual. Unfortunately the pre dinner snacks  became bitter lemon flavoured after mum decided that her overflowing drink was best poured over them.

Day 2 was perfect and after a late breakfast with my friend Daniela we headed up to Schilthorn – beautiful views, James Bond, paragliders over the alps and lunch in the revolving restaurant


Day 3 my friend Christine drove us to Luzern over the amazing Brunig Pass and we explored the beautiful city. Crystal clear river running under two ornate bridges that are hundreds of years old. An old city wall that you can climb on and walk through the guard towers, with views down to Lake Lucerne and over the city.


Day 4 we caught the train to Bern, visited the Einstein Museum, the Zytlogge (quite disappointing display when the clock struck 2pm, slightly better at 5pm), the bear pits and the Bern Munster. Nearly got run over by a bus that quietly snuck up behind us when we were walking down the main street. Am dealing with constant questions – highlights include “What latitude are we at?”, “How do I know if I’m writing in lower case?”, “What happens when it snows?”.  Have discovered a new love for coffee with schnapps.

Mum and I at the top of Jungfrau
Ski chic Johnno
Day 5 up at 6am to get the 6.59am train up to Jungfraujoch. 2 trains, 3000m and 2 hours later we are on the Top of Europe. Absolutely STUNNING views all around, snow everywhere and the sun is shining. Dad finds the ice palace hard going, he shuffles along clutching the rail but makes it out still upright. Mum on the other hand has no fear……..we head out to the platform in the snow and despite repeated warnings to hold on to the rail she manages to fall flat on her bum while taking ANOTHER photo – she has managed to take 512 now – in THREE DAYS. No time lost though, before I can stop laughing she is back up and taking more photos

View from dinner at Beatenberg
Day 6 and we head into the village to get the cable car up to Grutschalp intending to walk the Murren loop. They have decided to close it for the week so we end up on a packed bus to Stechelberg and squashed into a cable car that dangles above the valley floor on the way up to Gimmelwald. Lunch at the Eiger hotel in Murren with the snowy Alps right in front of us and nice, although quite steep, downhill walk back to Gimmelwald. Cable car down to Stechelberg and a nice walk along the valley floor to the Trummelbach Falls. By this time dad has had enough and starts questioning my timings……..apparently my standard answer of “oh about 10 minutes” isn’t cutting it when it turns out to be a bit longer……..and he is not happy about the many stairs inside the falls that I accidentally forgot to mention…….
Day 7 – a sad goodbye to Lauterbrunnen and 5 train changes to Italy await……….oh and apparently the Italian train didn’t turn up (welcome to Italy) so we have to make an extra stop, wait for an hour and change all our reservations to hopefully now arrive in Venice around 9pm……………

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