Thursday, November 3, 2011

Julie and John’s Excellent Adventure – Part 2 – Venezia.

Italy - I hate it and love it. Mostly hate it.

I hate that the Italian train didn't bother to turn up in Spiez, so we have to get off the Swiss train in Brig and wait an hour for the next train, which is then overbooked and has people siting in the aisles for over 2 hours.

I hate that the minute we leave Switzerland and arrive in Milan to change trains, what we think is a fellow passenger insists on helping with our bags. Too late I remember - this is his job and when we hand over €2 for his trouble, he sits there and pouts and points at the bags and asks for €5.

I hate that upon our 9.30pm arrival in Venice, we go into a restaurant offering a €11,50 "Menu of the Day" only to be told "oh no, you don't want that, it's only little, here have some of the (more expensive) other dishes" and have to ask 3 times before he will tell us the Menu of the Day

I hate that when the ATM Mum is trying to use won't dispense cash, she asks the Money Exchange office if they offer cash withdrawals which they assure her they do and it will cost her no more than an ATM. For €500 cash she gets €595.43 charged to her Travelcard - "bank fees" of course, not commission

I love that you can get perfect, strong coffee instantly and for €1 or less at any little bar

 I love it when they say "prego"

I love seeing families and friends greet each other – ciao! kiss, kiss – ciao! kiss, kiss – you can see and hear the genuine happiness to meet

I hate it when they offer a "free demonstration" and then tell you it will be €5 when you sit down

I love all the amazing gelati

I love that they have fresh fruit and vegetable stalls lining the streets

I hate it when you are patiently waiting your turn at the counter and someone pushes in. They just don't understand queuing

I love the Israeli restaurant we found just near the Guglie vaparetto stop - Gam Gam - AMAZING kosher food - hummus, honeyed carrots with sesame, eggplant, chilli paste, curried egg, chickpeas and celery, sensational mussaka..............get on it

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